Friday, April 26, 2019

General theory of relativity

General theory of relativity is a theory of modern physics to describe the Gravitation which is one of the fundamental interaction in universe that can not explain by the Standard model in particle physics.

General theory of relativity is a generalized form of special theory of relativity and Newtons law of universal gravitation. General theory of relativity provides unified description of gravity as a geometry of space time.
Geometry of universe prediction is another great achievement of General theory of relativity.

Space time curvature is related with energy and momentum whatever matter and radiation is exists. Such relation is specified by Einstein field equation.

Prediction of general theory of relativity

The prediction of general theory of relativity is differ form the prediction of classical physics. This difference is concerned with passage of time, the geometry of space, motion of free falling bodies.

Examples of such difference is gravitational time dilation, gravitational lensing, gravitational redshift and gravitational time delay.

The authenticity of general theory of relativity is that it is not only a relativistic theory of gravity, it also a theory with consistent experimental data.

Higgs Boson particle

Higgs boson particle is one of the elementary particles in universe.

Higgs Boson particles is produces through the quantum excitation of
Higgs field. Higgs field is a field in physics named after scientist
Peter Higgs.

In standard model Higgs particle is Boson with zero spin, no electric
and color charge.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

The man who loves other, gains love from others

Love is a mutual things that exchanges between peoples to peoples. Peoples wants love. They wants honor.

According to Need Theory of Mosley,

Love is an necessary part of human life. Human wants to satisfies this need. It is an important element of Mosley, Need Pyramid.

Everything is easy

Everything is difficult before it turned into easier.

Monday, November 26, 2018

What is life

Life is a complex subject in science. It is very difficult to define the concept of life.

Biological concept of Life

In terms of biology life is a complex form of amino acid. Scientist found that amino acid is the smaller constituent of life. 

Life consists with cell. Cell is called building block of life. How one after on breaks together forms a building, as same one after one cells link together and form living organs. The chemical basis of any cell is amino acid. 

Let us consider life and death. After death million of cell in body dies. All of the cells in body become inactive. And these inactivity of cell and life have a close relationship. What happen in that time, suddenly all of the cell get inactive.

If we think this we can calculate life as another energetic format instead of biological format.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Baryon acoustic oscillation

Baryon acoustic oscillation

Baryon acoustic oscillation is the fluctuation of the density of baryonic matter which is caused by acoustic density wave in primordial plasma in early universe.

Accelerating expansion of universe

Accelerating expansion of universe

Accelerating expansion of universe is an observation on expansion of universe in such way that similar with the increasing of velocity of galaxies distant from observer with expansion of time.

At first in 1998, accelerated expansion of universe is first discovered by two project.

Project 1: Supernova cosmology project

Project 2: High-Z supernova search team

In both project type la supernova distant is used to measure the acceleration.

Lanbda CDM model

Lambda CDM model

Lambda CDM model is a parametrization of big bang cosmological model that is associated with dark matter and dark energy. This model is termed now as the standard model of big bang cosmology because it provides a valuable properties of cosmos.

These properties are,

Existence of cosmic microwave background

Large scale structure in the distribution of galaxies

Cosmos is abundance of hydrogen, hellium and Lithium

Accelerating expansion of universe